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Why do they march? Have You ever heard about “ MARCH FOR SCIENCE” campaign, Unless March For Science 
After winning the American President Election 2016, Donald Trump has changed science plans particularly the climate change policies. Instead of implementing climate promises in Trump’s election, the new government has pulled out of Paris Agreement and stopped investing to science researches. One of Trump’s consultants said that: “ Science is a cult and scientists look like glassy-eyed” . For above reasons, March for Science campaign will be held by scientists in Washington D.C at 22 April 2017 . The campaign is originated from discussion on Reddit.

Unless March For Science Shirts


Unless March For Science is spread widely on Facebook because a Facebook group of supporters has over 300,000 members after a week.  The March for Science campaign will be happened at the Earth Day in many big cities such as Sydney, Berlin, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, etc. 
Do you think about the new Science policies ? Get Unless March For Science Shirts And Go Out The Lab, Walk To The Street


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